
Steadfast in Sisterhood

For sisters, Phi Mu can mean many different things. To a new member, joining Phi Mu is having sisters to call day or night and friends you can turn to for anything. It’s having a home away from home. It’s becoming the best version of yourself with sisters cheering you on through some of the most formative years of your life. It’s about traditions and values – but more than that, it’s about sharing a bond with women who want the best for you and see the best in you.

Our Phi Mu Creed calls our members to uphold our values of love, honor and truth by:

  • Loving our sisters for who they are and help them grow into the best versions of themselves. Love means that we support each other, care for one another, and are guided by actions that encourage, inspire, and build each other up.
  • Honoring our commitments to our sisterhood and to each other. We honor the hearts of our members, and celebrate their different backgrounds, pasts and futures. Honor means that we strive to achieve our best and fight for what we believe in to make the world a better place.
  • Striving to create a sisterhood where each sister can live as the truest version of herself. To be truthful is to be honest and authentic; it is doing the right thing, even when it isn’t the easy or popular choice.

If this sounds like something you want to experience, we hope you will seek out additional opportunities to meet Phi Mu at Purdue University!

Delta Epsilon's Sisterhood

At Phi Mu, we strive to create a supportive and uplifting sisterhood. We love to surround ourselves with women who support and push us to be the best versions of ourselves in all facets of life. While we aim to do this at all times, we do have organized events to help us attain these goals. This includes a yearly sisterhood retreat, where the whole chapter will attend. In 2024, we participated in a tournament where each member class competed against each other in various games like tug-of-war and basketball. We also have monthly events such as canvas painting, selfcare day, movie nights, and more!
